
Page Starter: Guy Shalev.




Welcome to the CSI Game Wiki, where information regarding Competitive(/Cooperative) Story Interaction Games will be collated and discussed.


Before we go on further, I will lay down the rules and mechanism of using this Wiki, and by using this Wiki you are assumed to agree with all following points(updated as deemed necessarily):



The purpose of this site will be to be a place for all material considering Competitive games in general, and CSI Games in particular to be collated and discussed. You can post articles, post your thoughts of articles(Just edit below to give your thoughts), talk about your games, your game experiences or whatever else catches your fancy.


The Project

When I will try to bring forth a new formative change to the project, I will update this page.

Currently (04/12/2006) we have a Project where we talk about Competition in RPGs, CSI Games and in general and try to address what we prove by competing and what happens when we have competition for its own sake. Please see this thread and reply there. This one is a biggy and will run for 3 weeks, till the 25th of December.