The Project

Page Starter: Guy Shalev.


The Project!


Here we will ask for your input when we are to make formative changes that will affect all of us. We will ask for your opinions before we set down "guidelines" that we ask you to follow. Nothing is mandatory, but some direction is good and required.


Past Projects: is where we list the previous projects, the time they ran, their description and all comments they received.


Project Name: Project #4. Competition? What is it good for?! Hunh!

Project Dates: 04/12/2006 to 25/12/2006.

Project Description: Herein we discuss what competition proves in our games, specific games and in general, and if play for the feel of competition, without proving anything is still viable. Fuck it, why do we need competition?

I ask that entries and discussion of this Project will be handled on the relevant Blog Post.